Black Portis Families

Many if not most black/afro-american families derive from slaves owned by just a few white/caucasian Portis families. Some families may have acquired misspellings of the name such as Portes, Portice, etc.

The 1850 US Slave Schedule

The 1850 US Slave Schedule shows that there were 76 slaves owned by Portis families and they were distributed as follows:

Sons of Ira Portis (1777 – 1825):

WhoNumber of slaves
David Y Portis (1814 – 1883) in Austin TX10
Benjamin P Portis (1822 – 1878) in Sumter AL24
Darius M Portis (1824 – 1896) in Sumter AL15
S G (Samuel Goodwin) Portis (1812 – 1856) in Monoe AL8
John W Portis (1818 – 1902) in Clarke AL11

Owners that cannot be found in other records:

WhoNumber of slaves
Mathew Portis (possibly Porter) in Jefferson TX5
F G Portis (possibly Portes) in Norfolk VA2
Joseph H Portis (possibly Portes) in Norfolk VA1

The 1860 US Slave Schedule

By the 1860 Slave Schedule the number of slaves had increased to at least 202 and they were distributed as follows:

Sons of Ira Portis (1777 – 1825):

WhoNumber of slaves
D Y (David Young) Portis (1814 – 1883) in Austin TX11
D M (Darius Marsh) Portis (1824 – 1896) in Clarke MS18
Edmond M Portis (1820 – 1893) in Clarke AL 24
John W Portis (1818 – 1902) in Clarke AL35
S W (Solomon Wilder) Portis (1809 – 1872) in Wilcox AL30
B P (Benjamin Person) Portis (1822 – 1878) (mispelled Portes) in Sumter AL37

Other relatives:

WhoNumber of slaves
Thomas J Portis (1827 – 1899) (son of Ira's cousin, Thomas) in Dallas AL17
David H Portis (1830 – 1862) (son of S W Portis) in Wilcox AL27
Epsey Portice (unknown relationship) in Washington TX3